Well, it has been sometimes since i updated this blog actually. In fact, it has been terribly long that i updated some of my plugins (2 years to be exact). I've been busy with setting up Yii framework couponic site and modifying the system as much as possible till i lost track of time. Since i get the time to breath today, i might as well update my plugins. However, i've already forgotten how to do it. Moreover, i am currently using a Macbook air which really gives me zero idea how to connect to my wordpress plugin subversion repository. But i managed to do it anyway and just thought of writing it down a quick tutorial.
For anyone who forgotten how to connect to the repo, here is how you do it. Firstly, you will need a subversion client a.k.a svn client. For windows, you have tortisesvn where you can find the tutorial i wrote two years ago. For Mac, i use versionapps (only 30 days trial :(). Download it and start installing. Once, it is installed, fire up your version apps. You will be asked for the following few items
The username and password would be your wordpress plugin details. For the location url, just visit your WordPress plugin and click on the tab "Admin". Within there, there is a link call "SVN Repo" as shown below,
You should see the link as shown below,
copy it and pass it into the sub repo and you are done.
Now, just checkout your repo and start doing work! xD