Secure File Upload Check List With PHP

Uploading file on your website is a very common thing nowadays. Image, zip and many other common file type are the usual things we want our users to be able to upload. However, potential evil files such as .exe, .php and other script files are those that we wish they can never be able to upload on to our server. And i am sure you are like me who will wonder whether my upload handler is secure enough to prevent attacks from coming in. In this article, i will try to list down most of the secure ways to protect our server and business from these potential threat. On the other hand, feel free to share your experience with the readers and me on the security tips you have.

Content Type Verification

Checking the content-type of a file is the first level of verification that many of us will do.

#easiest way to verify it is a image file
if(!eregi('image/', $_FILES['hpt_files']['type'])) 
	echo 'Please upload a valid file!';

Although, this can be easily bypass by attacker by changing the Content-type header which we will look at later. Nonetheless, it is something we must always check. Please take note that different MIME type may differ in different web browsers.

Verify Image File Content

Uploading image file is something most application will allow. An attacker can change the content-type to a valid one in order for your script to accept the file. Thus, we will have to ensure that this is really an image file by using getimagesize() in PHP.

$imageinfo = getimagesize($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']);
if($imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/gif' && $imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/jpeg' && isset($imageinfo)) 
	echo 'Sorry, we only accept GIF and JPEG images\n';

You might want to check on other information as well. However, a file can be a proper GIF or JPEG image and at the same time a valid PHP script. Most image formats allow a text comment. It is possible to create a perfectly valid image file that contains some PHP code in the comment. How? By taking an image file (.jpg) and upload as a php extension file(.php). When getimagesize() look at it, it is a valid image file but when the PHP interpreter looks at it, the PHP code in the comment will be executed and other binary code will be discarded as junk (similar to HTML + PHP + JavaScript). Thus, getimagesize() only provides certain level of verification while many more have to be there in order to fully protect yourself.

Verify File Extension

This is something every upload handler in PHP must do. An attacker can fake the content-type of a file to the server, the extension must be a valid extension for PHP machine to interpret it correctly. Although this is not all of the security measure, this is definitely one of the important verification. I have included both white and black list on the code (although only one of them is required usually) since we won't know what will happen to the server configuration especially in a shared hosting environment.

$filename = strtolower($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']);
$whitelist = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'); #example of white list
$backlist = array('php', 'php3', 'php4', 'phtml','exe'); #example of black list
if(!in_array(end(explode('.', $fileName)), $whitelist))
	echo 'Invalid file type';
if(in_array(end(explode('.', $fileName)), $backlist))
	echo 'Invalid file type';

This way even if an attacker fake their way by changing the content-type, they will not be able to change the fact that the extension is required for the file to be interpreted by the machine. However, what file extensions will be passed on to the PHP interpreter will depend on the server configuration. A developer will have no knowledge or control over the web server configuration. Some web application may require that files with .gif or .jpg extension are interpreted by PHP. Thus, any comment in the image file will be interpreted by the PHP machine as a valid instruction to be executed.

Basically, we can't guarantee that knowing what file extension is being interpreted by PHP machine can help eliminate all attack and it does not change at some point in the future, when some other application is installed on the web server.

The Upload Folder

We want to prevent users from requesting uploaded files directly. This means that the best place to keep these uploaded files is somewhere outside of the web root (www, public_html, etc.) or creating a directory under the web root and blocking web access to it in the Apache configuration or in a .htaccess file. If the attackers is able to upload some harmful file into your system, this will prevent them from executing the files and enter arbitrary code into the system as they are unable to access the location. Consider the following example,

$upload_dir = '/var/domainame/uploads/'; # Outside of web root
$upload_file = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']);
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) 
	echo 'Upload Successfully.';
	echo 'Upload Fail';

This is somehow good but now the web server will not be able to access the directory too! Therefore, we need to provide another file for web server to access and display the file if necessary.

$upload_dir = '/var/domainame/uploads/'; # Outside of web root
$name = $_GET['name'];

Now, both users and system will be able to access the directory provided that they know the name of the file. However, the above suffer from directory traversal vulnerability where a malicious user can use this script to read any readable file on the system. Consider the following example, 

This will most probably return the password stored in the server. Therefore, always remember to secure your POST and GET in your PHP script.

IIS PUT Function

If you are running PHP on Microsoft IIS, you will have to take particular care on your writable web directories. Unlike Apache, Microsoft IIS supports 'PUT' HTTP requests, which allows users to upload files directly, without using an upload PHP page. However, 'PUT' requests can only be used to upload a file to your web directory if the file system permissions allow IIS to write to the directory and if IIS permission allowed writing for that directory.

To prevent this, we have to ensure that IIS permissions do not allow writing although we will have to allow the directory to be writable in order to upload using PHP script. This will caused one of the condition to fail and 'PUT' request will not be enable by IIS which is used to bypass all the check you have done on PHP script by using 'PUT' request to upload into your directory.

The Include Function

In some script, we tend to use the receive value from users to determine which file to include into the PHP script. This is usually not a good idea as the attacker can execute certain file in your web server. Consider the following example,

# ... some code here
	$lang = $_COOKIE['lang'];
elseif (isset($_GET['lang'])) 
	$lang = $_GET['lang'];
elseif (isset($_GET['lang'])) 
	$lang = $_GET['lang'];
	$lang = 'english';

# ... some more code here

Assuming no filter is done on the data received, we determine the language and include the language file into the page which is a common piece of code for some of you. An attacker can take this flaws and enter a path on the URL to execute certain file in the system. Therefore, it is important to secure your upload function to prevent attacker from execute any file that are harmful to your system.(imagine they are able to upload certain shell or execution command and activate it via the URL)

Random File Name

We talk about how a file name should not be access directly by the users to prevent any form of attack. However, we can still access these file indirectly with the help of another script. But if the attacker do not know the name of the file that he have just uploaded, they might not be able to execute these arbitrary code into your web server. Thus, it is always good to randomly rename your file with md5 or other encryption algorithm. Consider the following example,

$filename = $_FILES[$uploadfile]['name'];
$save_path = '/var/domainame/uploads/'; # Outside of web root
$extension = end(explode('.', $filename)); #extension of the file
$renamed = md5($filename. time());		#rename of the file
if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$uploadfile]['tmp_name'], $save_path.$renamed. $extension)) 
	echo 'File could not be saved.';

However, if the uploading is done by yourself through an upload function, renaming these uploaded files might not be good for SEO purposes. Thus, the security measure here are for upload function that allows visitors or external users to upload certain file into your web server. ( basically you don't trust others than yourself )

Disable Script Execution

You can also try to disabled script execution on the uploaded folder where all the files go. You can do this by writing a .htacess file on the folder.

AddHandler cgi-script .php .php3 .php4 .phtml .pl .py .jsp .asp .htm .shtml .sh .cgi
Options -ExecCGI

This will gives you an extra layer of protection. You can also restrict certain file to be placed into the folder and only allows certain file to be placed into the folder. But remember that if some web application allows your 'white list' extension file to be interpreted by php machine, the chances of this protection might not be very useful. Nonetheless, this still serve as one of the many layer of protection for your web serverr.

HTML Upload Size

Although not all browsers do not support this but some still does. This can help provides certain level of protection against upload restriction.

<!-- allow 100kb -->
<input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='100000' />

PHP Upload Size

We must also restrict the upload size on PHP to prevent any harmful file that is large enough to caused a sever damage to our server (any attack can caused a huge damage anyway). Checking the file size can also help you minimize the amount of disk space needed for your server.

#check for appropriate size with php.ini
$POST_MAX_SIZE = ini_get('post_max_size');
$mul = substr($POST_MAX_SIZE, -1);
$mul = ($mul == 'M' ? 1048576 : ($mul == 'K' ? 1024 : ($mul == 'G' ? 1073741824 : 1)));
if ($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > $mul*(int)$POST_MAX_SIZE && $POST_MAX_SIZE) $error = true; 
$max_file_size_in_bytes = 2147483647;				// 2GB in bytes
	#restrict the limit
	$file_size = @filesize($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name']);
	if (!$file_size || $file_size > $max_file_size_in_bytes) {
		HandleError('File exceeds the maximum allowed size');
	HandleError('File exceeds the maximum allowed size in php.ini');

You can visit the PHP handing file uploads for more information.

Limit File Upload

DOS attack (Denial of service) might be one of the concern that you have. Users might be able to upload a lot of large files and consume all available disk space which prevented other users from using the service. Hence, certain restriction should be imposed to prevent such cases from happening. The application designer might want to implement a limit on
the size and number of files one user can upload in a given period (a day)

BLOB Type Storage

An alternative to storing files on the file system is keeping file data directly in the database as a BLOB. This approach has the advantage that everything related to the application is stored either under the web root or in the database. However, this approach probably wouldn't be a good solution for large files or if the performance is critical.

Verify The Session

You may wish to impose certain security measure by having a session between the upload form and the upload handler to ensure that the user is authenticate to proceed with the upload.

Verify Upload

We must also verify that there is indeed a file being uploaded into the server to process the upload handler script.

if (!isset($_FILES[$upload_name])) {
	echo 'No upload found in \$_FILES for ' . $upload_name;
} else if (isset($_FILES[$upload_name]['error']) && $_FILES[$upload_name]['error'] != 0) {
	echo $uploadErrors[$_FILES[$upload_name]['error']];
} else if (!isset($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name']) || !@is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name'])) {
	echo 'Upload failed is_uploaded_file test.';
} else if (!isset($_FILES[$upload_name]['name'])) {
	echo 'File has no name.';

The above is an example to verify whether there is an upload file and whether it is secure to proceed the file that the user has uploaded.

Upload Folder within www

Don't want your folder to be located outside of www or public_html? There is another solution for this. However, you might need to have dedicated or vps which has root access in order for this to work. Rather than giving write permission to the users, we give to apache instead. You can do this with a chown on the writable folder to apache or nobody and assign 770 permission.

Basically, this will disable public access to file in the directory. Short to say, external users will not be able to execute, read or write on the directory, only Apache is allowed to since it is the owner of the folder.

My Upload Handler

This is the upload handler that i usually rely on which you might be interested.

	#check for session
	if (isset($_POST['PHPSESSID'])) 
	else if (isset($_GET['PHPSESSID'])) 
		HandleError('No Session was found.');
// Check post_max_size (
	$POST_MAX_SIZE = ini_get('post_max_size');
	$unit = strtoupper(substr($POST_MAX_SIZE, -1));
	$multiplier = ($unit == 'M' ? 1048576 : ($unit == 'K' ? 1024 : ($unit == 'G' ? 1073741824 : 1)));

	if ((int)$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > $multiplier*(int)$POST_MAX_SIZE && $POST_MAX_SIZE) 
		HandleError('POST exceeded maximum allowed size.');
// Settings
	$save_path = getcwd() . '/uploads/';				// The path were we will save the file (getcwd() may not be reliable and should be tested in your environment)
	$upload_name = 'Filedata';							// change this accordingly
	$max_file_size_in_bytes = 2147483647;				// 2GB in bytes
	$whitelist = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'); 	// Allowed file extensions
	$backlist = array('php', 'php3', 'php4', 'phtml','exe'); // Restrict file extensions
	$valid_chars_regex = 'A-Za-z0-9_-\s ';// Characters allowed in the file name (in a Regular Expression format)
// Other variables	
	$file_name = '';
	$file_extension = '';
	$uploadErrors = array(
        0=>'There is no error, the file uploaded with success',
        1=>'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini',
        2=>'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form',
        3=>'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded',
        4=>'No file was uploaded',
        6=>'Missing a temporary folder'

// Validate the upload
	if (!isset($_FILES[$upload_name])) 
		HandleError('No upload found in \$_FILES for ' . $upload_name);
	else if (isset($_FILES[$upload_name]['error']) && $_FILES[$upload_name]['error'] != 0) 
	else if (!isset($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name']) || !@is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name'])) 
		HandleError('Upload failed is_uploaded_file test.');
	else if (!isset($_FILES[$upload_name]['name']))
		HandleError('File has no name.');

// Validate the file size (Warning: the largest files supported by this code is 2GB)
	$file_size = @filesize($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name']);
	if (!$file_size || $file_size > $max_file_size_in_bytes)
		HandleError('File exceeds the maximum allowed size');
	if ($file_size <= 0)
		HandleError('File size outside allowed lower bound');
// Validate its a MIME Images (Take note that not all MIME is the same across different browser, especially when its zip file) 
	if(!eregi('image/', $_FILES[$upload_name]['type'])) 
		HandleError('Please upload a valid file!');

// Validate that it is an image
	$imageinfo = getimagesize($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name']);
	if($imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/gif' && $imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/jpeg' && $imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/png' && isset($imageinfo)) 
		HandleError('Sorry, we only accept GIF and JPEG images');

// Validate file name (for our purposes we'll just remove invalid characters)
	$file_name = preg_replace('/[^'.$valid_chars_regex.']|\.+$/i', '', strtolower(basename($_FILES[$upload_name]['name'])));
	if (strlen($file_name) == 0 || strlen($file_name) > $MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH)
		HandleError('Invalid file name');

// Validate that we won't over-write an existing file
	if (file_exists($save_path . $file_name))
		HandleError('File with this name already exists');

// Validate file extension
	if(!in_array(end(explode('.', $file_name)), $whitelist))
		HandleError('Invalid file extension');
	if(in_array(end(explode('.', $file_name)), $backlist))
		HandleError('Invalid file extension');
// Rename the file to be saved	
	$file_name = md5($file_name. time());
// Verify! Upload the file
	if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$upload_name]['tmp_name'], $save_path.$file_name)) {
		HandleError('File could not be saved.');

/* Handles the error output. */
function HandleError($message) {
	echo $message;


This is not a full proof solution for your file upload handler. However, this can used as references and also discussion that can help enhance the overall security of our web application today.

WordPress Plugin: Hungred Feature Post List

Hungred Feature Post list is a WordPress plugin that is created to help WordPress users to feature their post easier. Although there are many featuring post plugin in the market right now. They all seems a bit outdated and troublesome to use. Therefore, i created a plugin for usage and hopefully people appreciate it.

Introduction of Hungred Feature Post List

This is similar to recent post embedded in WordPress. The only differences is that this come with a control panel where you can control the following stuff. *UPDATE v2 which also allows multiple feature for each widget!!!*

1. number of feature
2. CSS class on the feature container
3. CSS class on the feature widget
4. Feature type available, 'selected only', 'random only' and 'both
5. Table that shows all the selected feature post

It also come with a widget that allow you to customize the placement of the feature post


Once you installed the plugin you will see an additional option in your setting bar, hungred feature post list. Once you clicked on it, you will enter to the admin page of this plugin as shown below,
Basically, the image speaks for itself. But i will kindly explain some of the options above.

  • Feature Header: the header name of the widget
  • Feature HClass: the header css class name
  • Feature WClass: the widget css class name
  • Feature Number: the number of feature post you want
  • feature type: it can be random, selected or both.
  • table below: the table below shows you the selected post to be featured by you

In order to active this plugin, you will need to go to the appearance section and clicked on 'widget' in the widget panel you will see a new panel as shown below,
drag this into your side bar and it will be activated.


For v2, you will need to configure each widget so that you have multiple feature widget for different post.


So, how do you feature your post? You can try to select some of the post to be featured on your page or let it randomly featured itself. By default, this is both made available. (both option on 'feature type' in the admin panel) You can select to feature a post by going into any post to edit and you will see an additional container on the far right of the page.
Basically, you just have to tick to make it as featured post. You can click the link to return to the admin page to check out all your feature post that you have selected. However, only post that are published can be featured!


For v2.0, you will see an additional select box which required you to select the widget you wished to feature this post to. Something like this.



Thanks to Michael Dalmer from for the donation to this plugin development and release v2 (multiple featuring feature) to the public!


The feature post on this site is using this plugin. Try it. It is far better than most of the feature post plugin.

Known Issues

Here are the known issues on the plugin,

  • Currently no report of bug

Support and Bug Report

  1. Any bug report or enhancement please go to contact me section for better responsiveness. You may also comment below and hopefully it won't be covered away
  2. new enhancements will be coming along ( sorting, etc.)
  3. maintenance will definitely be provided
  4. any question feel free to ask i will try my best to respond asap
  5. any other instruction you would like to know regarding the use of the plugin, please let me know.
  6. Please read the FAQ section of the readme.txt file in the plugin for any doubts. ( a lot of Q n A )
  7. The changelog can be viewed on the readme.txt file too.
  8. Stable version is v1.0.0

Files and Last Note

You can download the file at

  • Please proceed to WordPress to download the latest version
  • Current version v2.0.0
  • Article Last update: 12 Auguest 2010. Please refer to the change log on readme.txt (in the plugin) for more information

if my countless days and nights working on this plugin helps you, you can buy me a coffee! You can also support this plugin development by using the donate button below. Lastly, please share it with all the WordPress users if you find this useful to them and you can should your appreciation by linking us back or just say a thank you if you can πŸ™‚

Click here to lend your support to: Support Hungred Feature Post List and make a donation at !

Review On Hostgator And Tips On Web Hosting Service

Well, this is a personal experience with Hostgator that i am sharing with you. And this is also the only product that i wrote in which i strongly think it is necessary in every web development. Without a hosting service, there won't be a need for web development. Seriously, there are just too many host services available on the internet. Each and everyone of their marketing strategy are strong and powerful. This means that they all seems to be reliable, supportive, trustworthy, etc. and etc. BECAUSE OF MARKETING. I did market research online for a week searching for good web hosting to get all my domain up and running. I nearly get trick by these advertisement they used. Here are some of the things i learn during my research and i would to share my tips on web hosting with you

  • Never trust a single source! Search for more information, most product online just seems too good to be true.
  • Never look at top 10 chart for web hosting. Most of them are owned by companies on the top 10 list
  • Never trust review blog. Blog that are dedicated to review products are not trustworthy, they are paid to do that! Status and facts that they provides doesn't really mean anything. Everything can be modify with Photoshop
  • Look for reliable sources. Sources that are supported by many people
  • Always look for the bad things people say about a company. Good thing are just everywhere online. Especially with marketing around
  • Listen to users who have experience with the services and check whether they are really using that service!
  • Do not trust even magazine which have many ads and good review. Most of them are paid to be even in magazine!
  • Ask question with their support. Ask everytime! This will help to ensure they really provides good support for all area. Don't just do it a single day!
  • Do not believe what you see. Find out yourself. Look for outside sources
  • List out all the good web hosting that you have found. Minimize them along the way.
  • Do not trust sources that other users cannot comment. You can try to look at blog that allows other users to comment to know more about the hosting
  • Look at the relevancy of the review by other people
  • Look at the site of the commenter who commented bad about the hosting services, you may be surprise that they are actually the competitors from other hosting site. This happened to blogs review most of the time
  • Checkout the duration of the reviewer with the service
  • Look at each web hosting service company total hosted domains
  • Always look at the rule and regulation VERY carefully
  • New Hosting company always has all the good things since its new but it will gets horrible in the long run
  • Find reputation company
  • Seems like everything is bad. But its the truth! You can only trust multiple review by users of that hosting services which is the only most reliable sources you can get

My list can goes on but i believe these are the most important ones. You can try finding how many people have been a victim on getting bad web hosting services. You might be surprise on the number of people there are. Try not to be one of them. Here are two site which i finally look upon with each and every good host services i have

Please look at the comment given by the users. Although these can be tempered with but it is more reliable than those that do not allow others to review them. Enough of tips of finding good hosting. Its time for the review of Hostgator

Review of Hostgator

Here are the reasons that i find you should host your website with Hostgator.

Excellent Support

I am a missing bird on the internet without any friends or guidance from anyone so i ask a lot of question. And they are 24/7/365 Upgraded Support. If you don't believe Hostgator provides excellent support you can always try and look at my chat transcript with their operator Son at first,

Welcome to GatorChat!
You are being connected to a representative in our 'Sales' department right now.

For immediate answers to your questions, check out our knowledge base and video tutorials at

(11:43:07 PM) System: There currently are 0 people in front of you.
There are currently 25 chat technicians assisting customers.
(11:43:18 PM) System: There currently are 0 people in front of you.
There are currently 25 chat technicians assisting customers.
(11:43:21 PM) Son Le: has entered the chat.
(11:43:22 PM) Son Le: Hello, welcome to HostGator Live Chat.
(11:43:22 PM) Son Le: How may I assist you today?
(11:43:28 PM) Clay: Hi Son
(11:43:31 PM) Son Le: Hello Clay.
(11:43:47 PM) Clay: I am interested with your Business web hosting plan but i have some question and hope you can assist me
(11:43:53 PM) Son Le: Sure.
(11:44:41 PM) Clay: May i know what is the speed of the server on the Business plan?
(11:44:48 PM) Clay: as in bandwidth speed
(11:45:16 PM) Son Le: Speed on all servers is 100mbps both up and down.
(11:45:59 PM) Clay: shared or dedicated?
(11:46:15 PM) Son Le: It's shared.
(11:46:27 PM) Clay: should be alright
(11:46:34 PM) Clay: how about backup
(11:46:42 PM) Son Le: We run backup every Sunday.
(11:46:45 PM) Clay: do Hostgator backup files in the server for each account?
(11:47:01 PM) Son Le: Yes.
(11:47:05 PM) Clay: so we can request Hostgator to recover for us right?
(11:47:11 PM) Son Le: Correct.
(11:47:27 PM) Clay: How long does it take for recovering the data back to the account?
(11:48:06 PM) Son Le: I'm sorry I don't have ETA but it depends on the ticket que at the time you request.
(11:48:24 PM) Son Le: But it should be very quick.
(11:48:29 PM) Son Le: The restore que usually low.
(11:48:31 PM) Clay: oh alright
(11:49:10 PM) Clay: So is Hostgator server secure enough? what kind of security measure are we talking here?
(11:50:14 PM) Son Le: I'm pretty sure our server very secure. We monitor the servers 24/7.
(11:50:35 PM) Clay: hmm..alright
(11:50:47 PM) Clay: that's good for supporting businesses
(11:50:55 PM) Clay: i notice there isn't any SFTP
(11:51:00 PM) Clay: does Hostgator support SFTP?
(11:51:31 PM) Son Le: We have mod_security install, /tmp secured, firewall with inbound/outbound, and others bruteforce detection.
(11:51:52 PM) Son Le: SFTP is support.
(11:52:00 PM) Clay: wow. that's great!
(11:52:19 PM) Clay: on the backup section in the control panel of the demo
(11:52:34 PM) Clay: i notice we can manually backup the files, can we schedule them as well?
(11:52:53 PM) Clay: so that it automatically backup every particular day and send to our email?
(11:53:02 PM) Son Le: I'm sorry not for now.
(11:53:14 PM) Clay: oh
(11:53:33 PM) Clay: but should be alright you guys are doing automatic backup anyway
(11:53:39 PM) Clay: last few question
(11:53:59 PM) Clay: in the demo control panel i notice a few things i'm not quite sure..
(11:54:19 PM) Clay: what's processes running? what if it reaches 25/25?
(11:54:52 PM) Son Le: Once in a while you can go to Backup section and click on "Download or Generate a Full Web Site Backup" and logoff. It will do the backup and when it done, it will send notification email.
(11:55:41 PM) Clay: oh that's good. so i won't have to wait for it to complete? it will automatically send an email to me and inform me? i just have to click 1 button?
(11:55:49 PM) Son Le: After it reach 25 processes, your site will be showing error "Internal server error".
(11:55:54 PM) Son Le: Right.
(11:56:09 PM) Clay: Internal server error >< "
(11:56:13 PM) Clay: then what happen?
(11:56:50 PM) Son Le: You will have to optimize your site or move to dedicated server because your site is too big to handle by shared server.
(11:57:02 PM) Clay: oh..
(11:57:34 PM) Clay: if i host 40 website will it reach 25 although all 40 are optimize?
(11:58:01 PM) Son Le: It depends on how many visitors your sites have and how well your script perform.
(11:58:33 PM) Clay: is the moving of dedicate server difficult?
(11:58:48 PM) Clay: all my data will be lost? will Hostgator help to move them for me?
(11:59:22 PM) Son Le: Yes we will move the data for you if you purchase our dedicated server.
(12:00:04 AM) Clay: how about CPU Usage and Memory usage? 25%? what happen went it blow up to 25%?
(12:00:44 AM) Son Le: If your site exceed the resources usage of 25% more than 90 seconds, your account will get suspended and you will be notified by our security team.
(12:01:53 AM) Clay: suspend for how long may i ask?
(12:02:05 AM) Son Le: Until you reply to the email.
(12:02:23 AM) Clay: so once i reply the email it will be resume :D
(12:02:30 AM) Son Le: Yes.
(12:02:36 AM) Clay: i see!
(12:02:42 AM) Clay: one last 1
(12:02:46 AM) Clay: how about Inodes?
(12:02:51 AM) Clay: what's that
(12:03:01 AM) Clay: and what will happen when its over 250 000?
(12:03:10 AM) Son Le: Inodes is the number of files, folders, emails you have on the server.
(12:03:27 AM) Son Le: The use of more than 250,000 inodes on any shared account may potentially result in a warning first, and if no action is taken future suspension. Accounts found to be exceeding the 50,000 inode limit will automatically be removed from our backup system to avoid over-usage. Every file (a webpage, image file, email, etc) on your account uses up 1 inode.
(12:03:48 AM) Son Le: We will recommend that you upgrade or clear out your email boxes.

i got disconnected and went to support again, now its Herbert

(12:10:31 AM)  Herbert Cr: has entered the chat.
(12:10:35 AM) Herbert Cr: Welcome to HostGator Live Chat.
(12:10:39 AM) Herbert Cr: How may I assist you today?
(12:10:41 AM) Clay: Hi Herbert
(12:10:45 AM) Herbert Cr: Hi Clay
(12:11:03 AM) Clay: i was chatting with Son just now and something went wrong
(12:11:15 AM) Clay: i was asking him 250 000 node is around how much disk space
(12:11:42 AM) Herbert Cr: disk space isn't a factor there
(12:11:59 AM) Herbert Cr: as INODE can be anything from 512 bytes to 2 gigs
(12:12:16 AM) Clay: its the number of files but not the size?
(12:12:19 AM) Herbert Cr: or larger just depend on the disk it is on.
(12:12:25 AM) Herbert Cr: correct
(12:12:35 AM) Clay: oh i see!
(12:12:42 AM) Clay: that's explain
(12:13:14 AM) Clay: 250 000 inodes is equal to 250 000 file, folder, email in the server?
(12:13:41 AM) Herbert Cr: correct 250,000 files or email or folders or web pages
(12:14:12 AM) Clay: i see!
(12:14:36 AM) Herbert Cr: after you cross the 50,000 mark you are at risk as the backup stops for everything but the database.
(12:15:23 AM) Clay: i notice tha there is an initial order 20% by placing certain code
(12:15:44 AM) Clay: will i be entitle this after my member with Hostgator is over?
(12:15:47 AM) Herbert Cr: yes the coupon
(12:16:13 AM) Herbert Cr: the coupon is good on the first payment
(12:16:37 AM) Herbert Cr: seems to be Beach until Sep 1
(12:17:10 AM) Clay: so after 3 years of member can i use the latest code at that time to receive 20% discount again?
(12:17:39 AM) Herbert Cr: if it is a new package you are signing up for
(12:18:16 AM) Clay: i was asking about the business web hosting plan
(12:18:21 AM) Clay: so i was thinking
(12:18:51 AM) Clay: if i sign up for 3 years for 12.95 per month
(12:18:55 AM) Clay: after 3 years
(12:19:04 AM) Clay: what is the price of the plan again?
(12:20:29 AM) Herbert Cr: it will be 466.20 no discount on renew
(12:20:49 AM) Clay: 466.20 for a month?
(12:21:06 AM) Herbert Cr: it is for the 36 months
(12:21:13 AM) Herbert Cr: 3 years
(12:21:42 AM) Clay: so it will be 12.95 per month again if i sign up another 3 year right?
(12:22:47 AM) Herbert Cr: correct
(12:23:13 AM) Clay: i see
(12:23:31 AM) Clay: so for other plans
(12:23:46 AM) Clay: what is the differences between Dedicated IP and no dedicated IP?
(12:24:04 AM) Herbert Cr: share IP lots of other domains are on it.
(12:24:41 AM) Clay: so what will happen if there are other domains on a shared IP compared to a dedicated one?
(12:28:24 AM) Herbert Cr: nothing will happen the dedicated has the advantage of less traffic on the IP
(12:28:57 AM) Clay: i see.
(12:29:19 AM) Clay: the business plan seems to provides a free SSL
(12:29:40 AM) Clay: may i know what certificate it is providing?
(12:30:54 AM) Herbert Cr: Positive SSL from Comodo is the one that comes on the business package
(12:31:14 AM) Clay: i see!
(12:31:27 AM) Clay: Thanks Herbert that's all of my question
(12:31:29 AM) Herbert Cr: Differences:

1. Instant SSL can authenticate (verify) your domain's WHOIS information, but Positive SSL can only authenticate the domain name.
2. Instant SSL comes with Comodo Warranty, but Positive SSL does not.
(12:31:45 AM) Herbert Cr: Okay, take care and have a great day!
(12:31:54 AM) Clay: oh that's a great information there
(12:31:56 AM) Clay: thank again
(12:32:04 AM) Herbert Cr: You're welcome!
(12:32:11 AM) Herbert Cr: and have a great day!
(12:32:17 AM) Clay: You too!

Well, i contact them several times and this is just one of them. Most of the time i will rank them quite highly after a support. They allows you complain or rank their support after an online conversation. I contacted them almost anything and they are cool enough to share with me what they know about the issues.

45 Day Money Back Guarantee

Many offer such services but if you did your research, there are also many who delay the refund. But Hostgator are cool enough to return your money if you are not pleased with their services.

Discount Coupon

They offer 20% discount coupon EVERY SINGLE TIME so try not to miss this out. If you are signing up to Hostgator , be sure to grab their 20% code to be placed into your order form to receive this discount. It really help save a lot for long term sign up.

Host Your Website For 1 Cent

What's more? The baby plane for Hostgator cost you ONLY 1 CENT! No kidding but it's only for the first month. Great for experiencing your hosting with Hostgator . For most existing users, we might all know this. During your sign up with Hostgator, just write in '404PAGE' into the coupon code.

Other Special Coupon Codes

Here are some other codes offer you can try.

Reliable Uptime

If you are regular on, do you ever see this site went down before? I spend almost all of my time on this site and never seen it went down. I can personally guarantee that Hostgator is Reliable. Hostgator themselves also guarantee a 99% uptime which is trustworthy for me.

Upload and Download Speed

Other than my internet speed suck sometimes because of my country internet provider, i do not see any speed problem uploading and downloading contents to my site. No issue at all.

Hostgator controls usage

In case you are not aware, web hosting usually are shared hosting plan. This means that a server is shared among multiple users. Some control should be implemented. This can be bad for some people who uses very large bandwidth for streaming or download server but great for many others users in Hostgator (web hosting is to host website and not for other type of server). Hostgator has control over these so that each account is responsible enough not to hog up all the resources towards their account and affect other account website within the server. Personally as a developer i think this is great for majority users out there who are going to host their site with Hostgator .

Unlimited Space and Bandwidth

Many website provides unlimited space and bandwidth but its always unreliable since they do not have control for each account and allows other accounts to abuse the server which affect other account greatly to the extend that other website will not load. But Hostgator takes care of this and ensure reliable speed and the space is really unlimited (but you won't want to store your stuff in there, trust me i will explain why later). The actual speed can be seen on the conversation i posted above with the operator.

Many Satisfy Customers

Search around the internet, you will find most of Hostgator users are pleased with their services. But i can't really tell you they are pleased. Search around the internet or use the link i provided above. You will find many good testimonials. I am one of them of course. Here are some of them from the site i suggested which people voted more relevant.


One of the largest web hosting service on the internet

There are over 2,200,000 domains hosted on Hostgator currently. Many people trusted Hostgator services, it was also one of the criteria i looked when during my research.
You can also look at Web Hosting Top for their statistic of domains per month.

Everything is available

We technical people look at whether they have all the required web development application and other network related issues on the server. Hostgator seems to have all the required languages ready to be used. Statistic,log,ftp,sftp, etc. are all available on their control panel.

Regular Backup

They also helps you to backup your files regularly as seen on my conversation with their operator. It will only stop backup once you have exceed a certain potion of your usage. Nonetheless, you can still backup yourself manually and allow them to send it to your gmail when they are ready. (this is done with a click) Although it will stop auto backup for you, you still have the unlimited storage to use.

Excellent Forum

They have a excellent forum that can assist you with all your needs. If you don't feel like visiting their 24 hours support channel, you may like to post your enquiry on the forum for their moderator to help you. You can visit their forum and check each and every post for certain responds from their moderator.

Hostgator Do Poorly Too!

Enough of Good things about Hostgator, let's look at the things they do fairly.

Average Web builder

Well, the free web builder are great for beginners who have absolutely no knowledge of building website. However, for developers and designers you will agree with me that you might not want to use this service.

Apply For certain services

In Hostgator, you will have to submit ticket to request these services to be activated in your account even though it might be free.

  • SSH Request
  • SSL Request
  • Site Builder/Site Studio Request

These are what i requested but here are the overall list.

Disable Directory index

You will have to inquire the support to assist you to disable directory index in PHP. This way, users will not be able to access your sub directory using the URL. I think this should be done automatically.


Pricing was a major issue for me while searching for a web hosting service. But definitely reliability is marked first as i won't want my users to be unabled to access my website and leave. It will be bad for my business reputation. Although i sign up with Hostgator but i still feel that the pricing is a bit higher than other hosting services. Nonetheless, its worth it at the end of the day. (unless they suddenly give me downtime. RAWR!)


Many people complains on Hostgator reseller service. You might want to look out for this if you are thinking of getting a reseller package. I personally cannot comment on this.


This is really IMPORTANT for my business if i were to join Hostgator. People has been complaining on their Email services previously, but currently this has been resolved! Well, i haven't had any problem with it.

Rule and Regulation

Well, i do not believe this is being done poorly by Hostgator . It just that people don't tend to read what they are signing up for. May be this can be placed somewhere better for people to notice. eg. highlight certain words with red.

CPU Usage

Well, in Hostgator your site might get locked up if it takes up too much resources. This means that your site won't be accessible and the representative will send you an email to request you to fix it before enable your site to run on the server again. The good thing about this part is other website will not be affected by you. The bad thing is your site is unable to access. In case you have no idea what i am talking about here is a picture of the panel that might explain.
Basically, your site cannot exceed the limit of 25% of resources usage. Here, you might think 'what the hell! It won't be enough'. But its really will be MORE THAN ENOUGH for a few hundred site running at the same time. It will most likely exceed this limit when one of your site is performing tricks that will go into infinity loop or just takes more than 90 second to run. Pure inefficient, you should definitely look into it. development always bring the danger of entering into these categories. Getting locked is not fun. (may be i'm just very demanding)


Their customer support were great! But there are some operators that i notice are not very technical. They will then provide you with standard answers like its written in a cook book. May be the cook book answer fit you well and they manage to solve your problem but what if it doesn't? This is when we have to submit support ticket or enquire the forum for better more technical people to assist us. BUT i like this,

Every web hosting plan comes with a 45 day money back guarantee, 99.9% uptime guarantee, and is fully guaranteed by the owner himself. If you ever have a problem with regular support just ask that your ticket be assigned to Brent and he will personally take the time to give you the VIP attention that you deserve.


I was aiming to look for a hosting for business purposes that are reliable, secure and can support my business. I ended up signing up with Hostgator and was very happy with it which i believe my experiences should be shared to people out there. But if you are thinking of hosting something illegal or pornographical, don't try Hostgator you will surely make a lot of noise. On the other hand, there are no unlimited resources in web hosting services. In Hostgator, the unlimited is being limited by cpu, memory and processor. So you can say that you have unlimited bandwidth and disk space but if your traffic reaches 1 million unique users, your cpu and other resources will still peak and you would have to change to a more expensive plan. Solution is to use third party services and integrate them to all of your site. This way, you can use all the unlimited things in the package while the resources will not depreciate so quickly. If i miss up anything, inform me i will write it up here.

Other than all the things above, i believe most of the users of Hostgator will have other feedbacks on their experiences with them.

Understanding Preloading For Web Components

We heard preloading almost every time! But do you really understand what is preloading and how does preloading actually work? In this article, we will talk about preloading and how it should and can be use.

What is Preloading

Most of us will know but there are many that are unclear. Preloading is an action that will load components which are not visible available to the users. This means that any component that are already in the HTML document will be loaded and preloading doesn't help speeding up these components. What we would like to preload are those components that do not resist within the document and components for future pages.

Why Preload component

Why do we want to preload a component if it doesn't help speeding up the existing components on the HTML document?! Simple, let's say we have a gallery which has the following code in our document

<img src='example.jpg'/>

compare to document that has these codes

<img src='example.jpg'/>
<img src='example1.jpg'/>
<img src='example2.jpg'/>
<img src='example3.jpg'/>
<img src='example4.jpg'/>
<img src='example5.jpg'/>
<img src='example6.jpg'/>

Assuming each image in these example are 800kb in size (If you have a script that wait for an onload event to occurs, i wonder when will the script start running). It will be obvious which one will finish first (the first example). So your user gets to see the result like less than 1 minute. The sub sequence images will be preload into the document while the user is still viewing the first one. Thus, clicking the next button will show a loading in progress or immediately displayed the second image depending on how you construct your script to accomplish this.

Although we didn't speed up the image loading time but we manage to speed up the overall waiting time for the whole page to be display completely. Thus, preloading allows us to practice 'load only when needed' concept. This means that those that are not going to display first should be loaded last and allow the page to be fully loaded before their turn is up to run.

If you have very big file size page, it will serve as a notification to the users that the site is loading. On the other hand, preloading allows you to cache them onto the user browser for better responsiveness. (although there are disadvantages of doing this too) This way, sub sequence pages will have better 'speed'.

What component can be preloaded?

Basically you will want these components to be preloaded first since they usually take up the most loading time.

  • Images files
  • Flash files
  • Sound files

There are not much reason to preload other type of document unless they are very big in size. Most document are small enough to load within a few seconds but the one mention above are usually the one we are concern with during web development.

What are the methods for preloading

This depend on which components are you trying to preload. There are all sort of ways to preload certain components such as JavaScript, ActionScript, CSS, Ajax or HTML tag. So depend on which one are you trying to preload and what are you trying to accomplish. Flash files will most likely be ActionScript. For Images, people tend to use CSS, JavaScript for caching and Ajax for preloading with loading image. While sound files will be using embed tag.

How Preloading work

In a way, preloading can be describe as work behind the scene. Basically, the user will not be able to notice. But different way of preloading work differently,


In CSS, the objective is to hide those component you want to preload. And you might want it to be placed at the last row in your HTML document (means it will load only all relevant component has loaded). Methods used are usually,

  1. Visibility: hidden
  2. display: none
  3. width:0px;height:0px;
  4. top: -99999px; or left: -999999px

The objective is to hide it so that it will store in the cache.


In JavaScript, we used the image object. (this method can also be used to preload flash files into the cache)

var obj = new Image();
obj.src = 'test.jpg';

This way it will preload the images for sub sequence pages as the images are cached. This method can also be used to produce loading image before applying the following code

document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = '<img src='test.jpg/>';


Ajax let the server script to load the image page, cached and send it back to the document for display.

function preload(url) {
  // display loading image
  // send the url to be open on the server side. hence, cached.
  document.getElementById('loading').style.visibility = 'visible';
  document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = '';
  var obj =  new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);

  obj.onreadystatechange = function() {		
    if (obj.readyState == 4 && obj.status == 200) {
      // once cached, we hide the loading image and display the content
      if (obj.responseText) {
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = '<img src=''+url+''/>';
        document.getElementById('loading').style.visibility = 'hidden';

During the request, we can display a loading in progress image until the new image has loaded. However, this doesn't seems to work on IE 7. (this is shown later on demo section)

HTML tag

This is usually used for sound files.

<EMBED NAME='mySound' SRC='mySound.mid' 

Action Script

If you are interested, here is a video.

The Demonstration

i will demonstrate using Ajax which the code has been written above. Please click the image to see the loading. Here are the files and demo

Ways to debug your jQuery or JavaScript codes

Debugging your client code is rather a normal procedures for any web developers. Everyone will shout Firebug! yeah, me too. But Firebug is great for syntax detection but how about logic problem? In this article i will share with you some of the ways i used to debug my JavaScript or jQuery codes when I'm developing my web application. I will also share with you a trick that i used on my code to alert me that a bug occurs in a particular script since i don't get many helpful users nowadays.

Alert Them Out

The most simple and basic way of debugging is by using JavaScript alert function. This is old but is quite useful sometimes. Especially when you do not want to remember other debugging methods. It's pretty simple, alert the message you want to see. If the alert doesn't appear, this means that the error is before the alert statement. I usually do this when I'm debugging IE although there are tools available for IE.

alert("The Bug Is Somewhere Before ME!")

Log them up

Well, if you are using WebKit browsers for your development (FireFox, Chrome, Safari) you may want to try this.

if (window.console)
  window.console.log("The Bug is killing me");

What this does is to log the string 'The Bug is killing me' into the console such as Firebug. It's always better than using alert and see this infinity loop that keep popping out until you are force to shut down your browser!

Log them with jQuery

The above two methods work both in jQuery and JavaScript. But this only function well in jQuery. This is definitely not something i came up with but its from Dominic Mitchell

  jQuery.fn.log = function (msg) {
      console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);
      return this;

The above creates a function, 'log'. This function will do exactly similar to the one above but the differences is that it format the string a little bit before displaying out to the console. This is good for debugging your long chaining with jQuery. Although the previous method also can be used to debug chaining but it will required an additional line instead of including it into the chaining process. So you can debug this way,

  $(root).find('li.source > input:checkbox').log("sources to uncheck").removeAttr("checked");

Try and catch

In JavaScript, you can try to catch the error in a particular scope. This way, it won't propagate to other section of the code.

  //Run some code here
  //Handle errors here

This is pretty good when you are trying to debug one of the many function in your JavaScript.

Catch them all

The last one i am going to show you is to catch any one of the error into a particular function instead of using multiple try and catch.

function handleError(e)
alert(’An error has occurred!\n’+e);
return true;
window.onerror = handleError;

This will handle any error occurs in your JavaScript code to the function 'handleError'. You will want to use this at the end of your script. Especially if you want to be informed whether a particular function or script has malfunction and the users are not reporting. Basically, what you can do is to gather all information and placed them into a String or JSON. Using ajax to delivery these information to your email or database. This way, your support team will have an idea which part are having problems and your system will be more reliable. (testing doesn't means 100% bug free) The information that you may want to know are usually located at Navigator Object in JavaScript.


These are the methods i usually look at when debugging my own client script. It might not be everything but i hope it can be useful to some of you out there. Hope you learn something!