Facebook – permission is reserved for apps that replicate the Facebook client on platforms without a native client

If you are getting an error from Facebook when applying for extended permission such as "user_groups" and u get the following error

The user_groups permission is reserved for apps that replicate the Facebook client on platforms without a native client. You can find more information here.

chances are you are pretty f**k up by Facebook. What does this means and what the hell is this? Google it around and i couldn't find a solution to this issue but at the end i manage to ask people in the Facebook Developers group and this is what i got.

@Credit to its respective @Andreas Teufel and @Christoph Broeckmann

Christoph Broeckmann If there is a device like say a mobile phone that does not have a native Facebook client, and you want to write one that brings FB functionality to that device, then your app can get that permission. Otherwise, it can’t.
Or to put it short: “Normal” apps will not get that permission granted.


Andreas Teufel ...or a TV, for example.

Putting it in short, if you are getting the error "permission is reserved for apps that replicate the Facebook client on platforms without a native client", the chances of you getting your permission approve because you need it for an app or website are pretty close to never.

This pretty much means that Facebook is trying very hard to protect its data and its platform by restricting your access to their data as much as possible. In that case, i really don't see how and why people will want to create a facebook app when they are kinda restricted in everything. And did you know if you read up their platform policy you'll find pretty interesting stuff to make you stop developing your facebook app almost immediately! Here's a little snippets,

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 5.33.34 PM

well, as you can see, its pretty disappointing looking at how much time you spend building an app with Facebook and get slap on your face when they decides to change their policy to protect their data! Guess, it's time to move on to other platform! ha!