In this tutorial, i will explain the concept and ways of making a fold effect in jQuery. Such effect can be apply to different context such as image gallery or even just add on effect for your design work.
Depending on whether you wish to fold away your content or you wish to fold out your content. Folding in your content will be to pull up the content and slide it outward while folding out your content will be to push your content out and slide it downwards. There are two way of achieving this effect. One is to use the viewport technique which will lengthy your code and complex your stuff but generally give you a better visualize effect than the next effect. The next effect that can achieve this with only few lines of code is typically using CSS and animate function in jQuery.
On the HTML part, you will most likely will only required the following set of div block
On the CSS coding, you will most likely need the following
margin: 0 auto; /*align the header at the center*/
text-align: center; /*align the header at the center*/
width: 600px; /* width of each container*/
height: 350px; /* height of each container*/
position: absolute; /* instructure each container to obey the position absolutely*/
float: left; /* float all the container so that they overlapped each other*/
left: 27%; /* align them to the center of the screen */
z-index: -1;
background: #66A666 url('../images/blue.png');
background: #E37373 url('../images/green.png');
background: #B2B2B2 url('../images/orange.png');
background: #A51515 url('../images/red.png');
this is all you required. What i did is basically add an event handler to each div block and perform an animate function to adjust the height of the effect to a certain visible amount and slide the height to 0 once the height animate has completed which will gives us a nice fold effect. Once the fold effect has been completed, i push the image back to the queue by setting its z-index and return its original size. This way is much better than using a view port which will block the next image and create a not very impressive fold effect.
You can visit the demo site for this fold effect tutorial. The tutorial files can be retrieve from jquery-fold-effect-tutorial
The kind words from some of you guys really makes me wanted to write more advance tutorial but i really have limited time. Nonetheless, i will try my best to write at least 1 tutorial in the most easiest and detail form as much as i can. In this tutorial, i will show you a more advance trick to perform a opening/closing door effect. This tutorial will deal with viewport to perform such effect and may get a little confusing. The demo is as usual at the bottom of the tutorial. If you would like to view the demo first before reading, please proceed to the bottom of this tutorial instead.
Imagine you have a sliding door, one left and one right. In order to open/close this particular door, we have to pull or push both door so that it will open or close completely. This is the usual case for a door to open and close which required two image of door left and right. How can this be done? The concept behind this technique is not similar to the zoom tutorial i did previously. But let's just concentrate on what is a viewport. A viewport is just a viewable area on the screen to the user, anything outside the viewport is considered unseen by the user. Using viewport, we will try to hide the two sliding door left and right outside the viewport and when the user clicks on the image, the door will automatically be called in and closed the door to create a nicely done closed door effect. The opening door effect will be exactly the same with the additional step to open the door after the door is closed.
I believe the CSS and HTML structure should be the same as the shuffle effect tutorial i wrote previously.
The coding part may get a bit confusing for the viewport technique. But i will try my best to cover it with simplicity as much as i can. If there is any doubt you may have you can really comment below and i will try to reply you within the day if possible. On the CSS Coding,
margin: 0 auto; /*align the header at the center*/
text-align: center; /*align the header at the center*/
width: 600px; /* width of each container*/
height: 350px; /* height of each container*/
position: absolute; /* instructure each container to obey the position absolutely*/
float: left; /* float all the container so that they overlapped each other*/
left: 27%; /* align them to the center of the screen */
z-index: -1;
background: #66A666 url('../images/blue.png');
background: #E37373 url('../images/green.png');
background: #B2B2B2 url('../images/orange.png');
background: #A51515 url('../images/red.png');
Notice that everything above are images and if images are not displayed yet, a color will be shown instead. Other important stuff are self explained on the comment i wrote in the code. For the HTML structure,
There will only be the container in the HTML structure similar to the shuffle effect tutorial. Supposely, it should have more than just 4 block of div as we need a viewport for each container. But for simplicity, i will just write 4 block here and leave all the complex stuff with jQuery. On the jQuery side,
//below here preload the image in the simplest form
for(i = 1; i < 5;i++)
var img = new Image();
img.src = 'images/images/d_left_'+i+'.png';
var i = -1; //deep of the image
var no = 0; //image number
//attach event handler on each container/image
var Obj = $(this);
if(no > 4)
no = 1;
// viewport structure
<div id='viewport'></div>
Obj.css({left: 0+'px'});
// left door structure
<div class='GrpEffectDiv' id='doorLeft'/>');
$('#doorLeft').css('position', 'absolute');
$('#doorLeft').css('background', '#000 url('images/images/d_left_'+no+'.png')');
$('#doorLeft').css('left', '-'+300+'px');
//right door structure
<div class='GrpEffectDiv' id='doorRight'/>');
$('#doorRight').css('position', 'absolute');
$('#doorRight').css('background', '#000 url('images/images/d_right_'+no+'.png')');
$('#doorRight').css('left', 600+'px');
// left door animation
.animate({left: 0+'px'},1000,
Obj.css('z-index', i);
//right door animation
.animate({left: 300+'px'},1000,
Obj.css({left: '27%'});
Seriously, looking at the code i am starting to wonder whether i will be able to explain it in a simple term. Anyway, what the above code done is as follow,
create a viewport around the container and became the parent of the container
create the left door and append into the viewport ( doors became neightbour of the container)
create the right door and append into the viewport
animate both left and right door to close the door
remove both door and subsituate the viewport back to the container with the original settings
I have also commented the code above so that you are clear what i am doing on the code itself. So how does the viewport be created by the code above? If you have read my sliding tutorial previously, it is similar to the frame concept, where there is a frame (viewport) to cover the outside of the viewport. If i remove the most important thing for the viewport to work which is
You will see that the left and right box is standing by on the right and left side ready to charge at the container to close the door.
without overflow hidden
Notice the right and left image which i made? These are the door of the next image, this way we can create a very nice effect as shown in the demo
There maybe people who will disagree with this tutorial that all the styling is placed on the jQuery script itself when we can actually just add a class on an external script and give the class to the div block object itself instead. You can definitely do that to simplify the efficiency and flexibility of the code. The purpose why it is done this way is to avoid any complexity on the CSS section. Personally, it will just confuse me going to look up and down on the post to feature out what i am doing. So i place it in a chunk of code indent it nicely for me and everyone to understand.=) The other thing you can do to improve the above code is to apply chaining which i always did in a whole straight line. Imagine if i do it in my tutorial? won't be that nice to read isn't it? Another thing is the preloader in this tutorial, it is just pure load image and may not do as well as other great pre loader but it basically how preloader work in jQuery. Thus, you may see black door on the first time during your loading instead of the image of the door until it cache the image to your browser that it! =X You can do this for gate closing and opening effect as well, we just have to do it on the top and bottom instead of left and right. Anyway, hope you like this tutorial as well =)
You can find the tutorial files by saving the page on the demo site. But if you feel lazy, you can download from jquery-closing-opening-door-effect
Just when i though i have completely writing all the effect tutorial available, i neglected inner fade effect that has been around for quite some time. Maybe it look exactly like fade effect in jQuery and didn't really notice the differences. Just to explain what does inner fade effect differ from normal fade effect in jQuery, inner fade effect will display the combination of both images when the first image gets fade in. This produces an asynchronous effect of image being displayed together. On the other hand, normal fade effect produces fade in an synchronous way when one fade ended the other fade occurs. The demo can be view at the bottom of this tutorial.
The concept for an inner fade is much troublesome than a normal fade effect in jQuery. A normal fade effect in jQuery will only required the fadeIn,fadeOut or fadeTo method to be called by the chaining process. Inner fade effect will require an additional step which is to arrange the images into a stack. Similar to the shuffle concept but we will just have to use the built-in feature of jQuery, animate to complete this tutorial. Imagine you have a deck of cards, each touch will make the card slowly fade till disappear and display the next card. So, what happen to the disappeared card? Similarly, we set the displayed index to a lower value and hide it behind of the deck of cards. So when the deck of cards completely disappeared, it will fade to the start card again!
The CSS and HTML code will be pretty much the same as the shuffle effect tutorial. The only differences we will see in this tutorial compare to the shuffle effect tutorial is the jQuery code used to perform the task.
var i = 0;
.animate({opacity: 0}, 1000, function(){$(this).css("z-index", i)})
.animate({opacity: 1}, 1000);
Notice that i did not use fadeTo method because the z-index command takes longer than the next animation to be display and cause the whole inner fade to fail. Thus, i use animate function instead and instruct jQuery to immediately set the z-index to i depth where i is the variable to keep track of the deepness of the container. This way i won't have to worry about the next animation coming forward quicker than the z-index rule. The other reason is that it seems buggy to use fadeTo function during this tutorial. Since, animate function work perfectly i will just stick to that then. From the demo page, you can notice that sometimes the colors are being combined and turn to some other color although there are only 4 colors available! This is the differences between inner fade and the normal fade. You can download the tutorial file at jquery-inner-fade-effect
i think after you have read most of my effect tutorial on jQuery, you will notice that effect is just playing around with CSS. Nonetheless, without jQuery help using pure JavaScript to achieve the same result will really take a lot of time than the usually time we spend on jQuery. Anyway, back to the topic that i am going to write. In this tutorial, i will demonstrate another very simple concept to shuffle your containers or images. I believe this should be the last effect available in the market currently. Most of the effect i should have covered them up.
i find this way of writing tutorial is easy for me to understand and its much more neat and clearer compare to my other tutorial which is quite a mess. So i will continue using such structure to write my tutorial as much as possible. If you have any feedback or improvement that i can make, please send me an email or just leave a comment. =)
Let's imagine you have a set of poker card. The poker cards should be shown on the screen in a z-axis way. When we shuffle, we take the highest card, pull it out and placed at the back (Sound like a first in last out concept to me). Let's assume each container is a card. We will have to stack the card together in a z-axis row in order to simulate the pattern of a poker card deck. Well, since its programming we can really just have 2 containers and placed the image on the second level so that when the first image is being shuffled down, the second level image is being displayed during the shuffling of the first card. But let's not do such complex stuff, we are doing a simple tutorial right? Opps.
from the description in the concept section, the necessary and required CSS rule to apply on the containers are most probably something that can help us stack n containers together. Below listed the approximate rule required for shuffle effect to work.
position: absolute - so that every container in the deck has a MUST obey position
z-index: x - so that every element is being position in an z-axis level
top: x em - the vertical position of the container
left: x em - the horizontal position of the container
float: left - we float all element so that they are no longer on the ground
where x is an integer value. Please take note that if you do not provide a type for your top and left, it may post a problem later when you try to shuffle your containers. Another thing to take note, z-index don't take in types like em or px, it is a pure number without type.
with the CSS rule declared, its time to setup our structure for each container. The structure of the container is fairly easy to setup. We just need a set of n containers in order to display different container during shuffling.
This part always get a bit confusing when there are piece and pieces of code flying around the place. But i will try my best to explain what is happening in here.
On the HTML page, i have allocated the following containers as describe above.
On the CSS external script, the amount of code required is also smaller compare to other tutorial since there is only 1 type of container we are dealing in this tutorial. The stylesheet is as follow,
width: 25em; /* width of each container*/
height: 20em; /* height of each container*/
position: absolute; /* instructure each container to obey the position absolutely*/
float: left; /* float all the container so that they overlapped each other*/
left: 34%; /* align them to the center of the screen */
border: #000 solid 10px; /* give it a border to make it look nice*/
background-color: #66A666;/*green*/
background-color: #E37373;/*pink*/
background-color: #B2B2B2;/*grey*/
background-color: #A51515;/*red*/
There is something interesting in here that you might want to know, when we set position of a div tag, the z-index property is being set to auto in default. Thus, the last container in our example(box4) will be the one display on the top of the stack. Unless we overwrite the z-index css properly. This is what we will see after we have our structure and CSS done.
shuffle structure image
IT IS JUST A BOX! Definitely, this is a box alright. Other containers are behind the container shown on the image. Notice that the last container on the HTML structure is being displayed instead of the first container? This is the reason why z-index is important later when shuffling the containers.
Lastly, we will be on our way to tackle jQuery coding after we have complete the structure required for our shuffle effect. So what i will be going to do is to attach an event handler on each container. Once the event is being triggered, we will animate the top object to the right and pull it back down the queue by setting it z-index to a lower value. The code is presented below,
var i = 0;
.animate({left: 15+'%', marginTop: 2+'em'},500, 'easeOutBack',function(){i--;$(this).css('z-index', i)})
.animate({left: 38+'%', marginTop: 0+'em'},500, 'easeOutBack');
The code done as what i instructed. Igive a variable i to hold the current level of z-index. adding event handler to all of my elements, once an event occurs, i will move the call object to the left and bottom 2em with the easing ability of easeOutBack from the jQuery plugin made available by George. After the animation has completed, i set the z-index of the container to a lower level and pull it back in with another animation. And this will give you a nice shuffle effect as shown in the demo. You can download the tutorial file at jquery-shuffle-effect
That is all i have for you in this tutorial hope you enjoy this! I sure did! Cheers~
The effect i show up till now are all discontinuous effect that can be easily create using CSS and jQuery. Some people may wonder how continuous sliding effect is being achieved. In this tutorial, i will demonstrate the concept and a plugin which i build immediately during this tutorial on how to simultaneously pull out the containers in the easily way. The demo can be view at the bottom of this post.
The concept for continuously sliding effect is really not that difficult. Imagining you have a photo frame and a long list of photo arranged in a straight row. The list is placed behind the photo frame and you started to pull it accordingly to display a new photo within the frame. Anything outside the frame is being blocked which restrict the display only within the frame itself. This way you will see a continuously slide effect being displayed.
From the description above, it is clear that css is required to assist on building the effect (every type of effect cannot escape the demon hand of CSS! RAWR!). And below listed the required CSS rule from the description written above.
float: left - to flow all containers in a straight row
position: relative - so that the container can be hidden in IE and FF
overflow: hidden - we want to hide all other element outside the frame
margin-left or left: - this is where we adjust the element so that it get pull to the left or right within the frame
On the description above, we will have a rough idea how many containers are required to built the effect and plugin. The following list down the approximate container required.
Main Frame
container to contain x element
the x number of elements in the frame
next button
right button
Everything is put it simple so that we have a clear idea how this is being done. The reason why we need the extra container to contain the x element is because the element WILL NOT float side by side if you do not define a length that is big enough for all elements to go side by side.
This part always get a bit confusing when there are piece and pieces of code flying around the place. But i will try my best to explain what is happening in here.
On the HTML page, i have allocated the following containers as describe above.
It should be clear that there is 3 main containers which are the frame,next and right button. And within the frame there is another container which contain the 4 element that we will be interested to slide them around. The reason why both navigation button are within the frame so that the button will always be within the container.
On the CSS external script, the below listed out all the necessary elements that we mention on the CSS section.
margin: 0 auto; /*align the display at the center*/
text-align: center; /*align the display at the center*/
margin: 0 auto; /*align the frame at the center*/
width: 50em; /*frame width*/
height: 25em; /*frame height*/
border: #000 solid 10px; /*frame border*/
position: relative; /*position relative so that it gets hide in IE*/
overflow: hidden; /*hide all overflow element out of the frame*/
position: relative; /*position relative so that it gets hide in IE*/
width: 200em; /*the width must be big enough so that all elements can align side by side*/
height: 25em; /*container height*/
float: left; /*float each element side by side*/
width: 50em;
height: 25em;
position:: relative;
background-color: #66A666;
background-color: #E37373;
background-color: #B2B2B2;
background-color: #A51515;
width: 3em;
height: 5em;
top: 50%; /*align it vertically center*/
margin-top: -2.5em; /*align it vertically center*/
right: 0em;
position: absolute;
background: transparent url(../images/next.png);
width: 3em;
height: 5em;
left: 0em;
top: 50%; /*align it vertically center*/
margin-top: -2.5em; /*align it vertically center*/
position: absolute;
background: transparent url(../images/prev.png);
If you wonder how the left and right button is aligned on center, you can see the explanation at How to align center on the screen when using position absolute with CSS
i have indicated the comment on the code itself so that it can be self explain instead. After all of these settings, you should be able to get something like this.
sliding container
Look pretty decent right? Now come the real code in jQuery. So we want to pull to the next element to the right to simulate continuously sliding, we will attach an event handler to both next and previous button. Using the animate() function in jQuery, this will be a piece of cake.
The first sentence in the code indicate that if previous button is pressed, we add the counter and check whether it is more than the available container. If the counter has go pass the available containers, we will push it to the last container available. We did the same for the next button too! but in descending order. Finally, we animate the scrolling according to the the given counter with the size of each element.
I really do not know whether there is a need for such plugin since its really quite simple. But i will still provide it like i said previously. So with the explanation above, i will refractor the code a bit so that it is flexible enough to become a plugin.
prevImageID: previous button image id
nextImageID: next button image id
noOfContainer: number of container
containerW: width of container
duration: duration of animation
in order to change the display, just change the css code in ini.css. No hardcoded code in the javascript itself. There can be more flexibility in the future of this plugin which i will place in more feature if i get the time. If you would like to support me, you can always throw in some bucks for the maintance of this plugin.