Tutorial: Cross browser Multiple Uploader With SWFUpload And JavaScript

Most of us will know that performing multiple upload with JavaScript alone that are both dynamic and powerful is complicated and confusing. Let alone having cross browser capability. Furthermore, all browsers will only allow one file to be chosen per dialog box at any one time. This makes multiple upload a tedious job for our users. Moreover, most methods are having a hard time populating the bytes uploaded to the system (progress bar). Therefore, there is a need for a more powerful and easier solution for multiple uploader that can both upload asynchronously and allows users to select multiple files at one go.


We can use JavaScript, iFrame and PHP library to perform the above task. However, this is more complicated and required to configure the server so that it contains the PHP library. If you are working on Open Source application, requesting users to configure their PHP server in order to use a certain function is not desirable. However, this can be done as follow

  • Using JavaScript to eliminate the need for multiple upload file
  • Using iFrame to store each upload bar to be prepared to upload
  • PHP itself is capable to receive multiple files
  • However, PHP is unable to show the process bar of each upload. This will required < a href="http://pecl.php.net/package/APC" rel="nofollow">Perl library(php_apc.dll) that was built for PHP which is currently unavailable in PHP 5.2 but will be placed into PHP in version 6. (that's is why i didn't write this tutorial)

I personally did the above 2 years ago when i was still working for an Australia based company (which i might write it out in this site later). The other method is to use a flash uploader such as SWFUpload.

What is SWFUpload?

SWFUpload is an open source flash uploader that WordPress is currently using. Although this is not a normal plug and play flash uploader, it is certainly updated and powerful. Moreover, it has cross browser capability and allow users to select multiple files at one time. However, implementing it and understanding it do takes time. But it worth it.

Let's get started

I did this on one of my WordPress plugin. But getting it to work really waste a lot of my time. Therefore, i decided to write them up for some of you out there who are just getting started with this. Enough of chit-chat. Let's get started. The fastest and easiest way is to download their sample files. The sample files will have most of the things you need. The sample files are similar to their demo page. This means that the sample files are the exact same thing as the demo given. Let's just start with the simplest first. Look at Simple Upload Demo and this is what we want to achieve at the end of this article. What you need are the following files in the simpledemo folder that you have downloaded to your local drive.

  • index.php
  • all files in js folder
  • all files in css folder
  • all files in swfupload folder located outside of simpledemo folder

Just in case you don't get it, here's a screenshot.
basically you will only need partial code from index.php which you can figure out them very quickly. The files that you would actually edit are the codes in index.php and handler.js only.

Important Part

Basically, if you throw the sampledemo into your server it should display exactly the same as what you see on their demo page. However, i do not think you want it to be exactly the same. You can try to read the documentation which is quite helpful in some way and in many way it does not. Unlike normal upload, SWFUpload work a little bit different which you will need to know(or suffer).

  • SWFUpload do not use MIME type, so don't try to validate whether it is image in PHP. This is a flash uploader!
  • SWFUpload will required the initialization of the object to work. Invalid of initialization will cause you a headache in just displaying the upload button (quite easy just don't be careless)
  • You need to ensure that your PHP files on the server side is working correctly before using SWFUpload. This means that you must check whether it is uploading correctly using normal file uploader
  • The above part will help u a bit in reducing debugging problem later. The other problem you might face greatly is debugging issues. How do we debug when we are using flash uploader? You will have to look up at the handler.js file with the method 'uploadSuccess' that will return you with the serverData. This 'serverData' variable contains what is happening on your server side. This is the only thing that can assist you in debugging
  • you can write methods to overwrite the handler default in the swfuploader.js by using the handler.js. No modification is needed in swfuploader.js.

The list can just go on, if you face any problem you can just send me an email. For the important initialization part,

		var swfu;

		window.onload = function() {
			var settings = {
				flash_url : "../swfupload/swfupload.swf",//the path of swfupload.swf.eg. http://hungred.com/swfupload.swf
				upload_url: "upload.php",//the path of your upload php file. eg. http://hungred.com/upload.php
				post_params: {"PHPSESSID" : "<?php echo session_id(); ?>"}, // this is additional information for your upload.php file. eg. in upload.php 'echo $_POST['PHPSESSID'];'
				file_size_limit : "100 MB", //the limit impose for your flash uploader which is different from the one in your upload.php (additional validation)
				file_types : "*.*", // allowed file type. eg. '*gif*png*jpg';
				file_types_description : "All Files", //the name of the dialog box
				file_upload_limit : 100,//the number of upload allowed. eg. max is 100 
				file_queue_limit : 0,// the maximum amount of queue upload allowed. eg. 0= unlimited
				custom_settings : {
					progressTarget : "fsUploadProgress",
					cancelButtonId : "btnCancel"
				debug: false,//debugging mode that display all the information of the flash uploader. You can customize them in handler.js

				// Button settings
				button_image_url: "images/TestImageNoText_65x29.png",//button image populated by the flash uploader
				button_width: "65", //width of the button
				button_height: "29",//height of the button
				button_placeholder_id: "spanButtonPlaceHolder", //the id container of the button. eg. <div id="spanButtonPlaceHolder"></div>
				button_text: '<span class="theFont">Hello</span>',//the text in the button
				button_text_style: ".theFont { font-size: 16; }",//the style of the text
				button_text_left_padding: 12,//left padding
				button_text_top_padding: 3,//top padding
				// The event handler functions are defined in handlers.js
				file_queued_handler : fileQueued,
				file_queue_error_handler : fileQueueError,
				file_dialog_complete_handler : fileDialogComplete,
				upload_start_handler : uploadStart,
				upload_progress_handler : uploadProgress,
				upload_error_handler : uploadError,
				upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess,
				upload_complete_handler : uploadComplete,
				queue_complete_handler : queueComplete	// Queue plugin event

			swfu = new SWFUpload(settings);

The code above are so long but there are no comment on it when you look at the demo files provided. I have comment above to explain what it does since it is criteria important you understand them during your development. Handler do not have comment as those are methods exist in handler.js which means you can change how it should be handler. Lastly, you can edit the display by changing their css file, default.css. If you need additional example, please look into your WordPress swfupload folder located in the wp-include folder.

The Demo

I can't really provide with you with the exact same demo given by SWFUpload. You can see the more advance part on WordPress, 'Add new' post section. Or you can view the screen shot that i did with my plugin below.

The Summary

The reason for this article is to make aware some of the points in SWFUpload flash uploader. Although it is powerful, the community for such application is still quite small which might bring some difficulty for some of the people out there who are starting to use this application. Why this and not other alternative uploader? Updated, maintained, acknowledged, no additional configuration required, multiple selection, cross browser, small size, etc. the list can goes on. Enjoy!

Ways to debug your jQuery or JavaScript codes

Debugging your client code is rather a normal procedures for any web developers. Everyone will shout Firebug! yeah, me too. But Firebug is great for syntax detection but how about logic problem? In this article i will share with you some of the ways i used to debug my JavaScript or jQuery codes when I'm developing my web application. I will also share with you a trick that i used on my code to alert me that a bug occurs in a particular script since i don't get many helpful users nowadays.

Alert Them Out

The most simple and basic way of debugging is by using JavaScript alert function. This is old but is quite useful sometimes. Especially when you do not want to remember other debugging methods. It's pretty simple, alert the message you want to see. If the alert doesn't appear, this means that the error is before the alert statement. I usually do this when I'm debugging IE although there are tools available for IE.

alert("The Bug Is Somewhere Before ME!")

Log them up

Well, if you are using WebKit browsers for your development (FireFox, Chrome, Safari) you may want to try this.

if (window.console)
  window.console.log("The Bug is killing me");

What this does is to log the string 'The Bug is killing me' into the console such as Firebug. It's always better than using alert and see this infinity loop that keep popping out until you are force to shut down your browser!

Log them with jQuery

The above two methods work both in jQuery and JavaScript. But this only function well in jQuery. This is definitely not something i came up with but its from Dominic Mitchell

  jQuery.fn.log = function (msg) {
      console.log("%s: %o", msg, this);
      return this;

The above creates a function, 'log'. This function will do exactly similar to the one above but the differences is that it format the string a little bit before displaying out to the console. This is good for debugging your long chaining with jQuery. Although the previous method also can be used to debug chaining but it will required an additional line instead of including it into the chaining process. So you can debug this way,

  $(root).find('li.source > input:checkbox').log("sources to uncheck").removeAttr("checked");

Try and catch

In JavaScript, you can try to catch the error in a particular scope. This way, it won't propagate to other section of the code.

  //Run some code here
  //Handle errors here

This is pretty good when you are trying to debug one of the many function in your JavaScript.

Catch them all

The last one i am going to show you is to catch any one of the error into a particular function instead of using multiple try and catch.

function handleError(e)
alert(’An error has occurred!\n’+e);
return true;
window.onerror = handleError;

This will handle any error occurs in your JavaScript code to the function 'handleError'. You will want to use this at the end of your script. Especially if you want to be informed whether a particular function or script has malfunction and the users are not reporting. Basically, what you can do is to gather all information and placed them into a String or JSON. Using ajax to delivery these information to your email or database. This way, your support team will have an idea which part are having problems and your system will be more reliable. (testing doesn't means 100% bug free) The information that you may want to know are usually located at Navigator Object in JavaScript.


These are the methods i usually look at when debugging my own client script. It might not be everything but i hope it can be useful to some of you out there. Hope you learn something!

60 Realistic Tutorials with Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop has been widely used by designers nowadays to create realistic result on their work. In this post, we will feature 60 realistic tutorials that will help you learn some tricks for you to enhance some of your design work. These tutorials can also be used to improve your design skill or just use for any inspirational purposes.

Create a Realistic Torn Paper Effect In Photoshop

Design a realistic website layout in photoshop

Make Most Realistic Flag in Photoshop

Create a realistic Credit Card in Photoshop

Create a Realistic Stone Texture in Photoshop

Render a Realistic CD in Photoshop

How to create a T-shirt from scratch - tutorial

A Scrap Of Notebook Paper

Craft a Vintage Fifties Letter

Custom Hang Tag

Creating a CD PLayer in Photoshop Tutorial

How to Make Real Compact Disc

Political Campaign Button

Create a Realistic Blueprint Image From a 3D Object

Create a Realistic Outer Space Scene in Photoshop

Old World Wax Seal

Creating a Vinyl Record In Photoshop

Create a Realistic Blackberry Style Mobile Phone From Scratch

Learn how to create a portable media player in Photoshop.

Design a Shiny Photorealistic Apple Remote

Photorealistic Puddles

Designing Loox Pocket PC

Creating a Stunningly Realistic Planet

Design a Shiny Bass Guitar Illustration Using Photoshop

Make a Realistic LCD HDTV from Scratch

Create a Brilliant Vector Lighter

How to Create a Detailed Audio Player in Photoshop

Realistic Snow Effect

How to Illustrate a Wooden Frame on a Wall Scene

Realistic 3D Rack Server

Learn How to Draw a Realistic Cell Phone

How To Render a Dramatic 3D Wood Cup in Photoshop

Rendering a Striking Matchbox in Photoshop

Create a Mobile Phone Styled Like the HTC Touch Diamond

Awesome Photorealistic Coloring Techniques

Create An iPod Shuffle

Realistic Rain Photoshop Effect

Realistic Film

Fog Photoshop Tutorial

Realistic Water Reflection

Realistic Decorated Wine Bottle Illustration

Design a realistic sandwich bag

Create a software box Photoshop Tutorial

Guaranteed Seal/Badge

Create a Realistic Wine Bottle Illustration From Scratch

iMouse - creating Apple mouse

Making digital watch

Create a Vector-Based Zune with Photoshop

Design a Detailed Compass Icon in Photoshop

Glowing Orb With Dial

Draw a Classy 3D Poker Chip in Photoshop

Create a Custom Mac OSX Style Ring Binder Address Book Icon

How to Illustrate a Delicious Ice Cream Bar

Create a Slick Black iMac in Photoshop

How to Create a Delicious Green Apple Illustration

Interstate Road Sign

Create a Sony Playstation 3 in Photoshop

How to Create a Realistic 3D “Stone” Text Effect

Create Realistic 3d Box In Photoshop

How to Create a Super Shiny Pencil Icon

15 Excellent tutorial on Logo design in Adobe Illustrator

Logo design is one of the many basic of designers job. If you are wondering how other designers design their logo or what procedure did they follow, this may be the resources you are looking for. In this tutorial, we will bring you some of the excellent tutorial available for Adobe Illustrator on teaching and showing you some of their logo design work and procedure. Nonetheless, if you are trying to learn some technique for designing a logo with Adobe Illustrator, this is some good knowledge you must read.

Designing a logo from scratch part 1


Part 2


Photoshop CS2 Splash

Suns Logo

Swan Logo

How to Design a Logotype from Conception to Completion

Add Some Diamond Bling To Your Logo

Logo Design Process and Walkthrough for Vivid Ways

The Logo Design Process for Ultimate Potential

Design a Grungy Circular Logo

Creating a Rockstar Brand, Logo & Styleguide in Illustrator

Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

Logo Design Project Step by Step Walkthrough

Goplan 2.0 logo creation process

BzZz, Create a Fly Logo Design Part 1

Raw Logo Design in Illustrator CS4

Tutorial: Simple Cross-browser tooltip with CSS

We see tooltip almost everyday on the web. And most of us know there are a lot of way of doing this. Personally, i think the easily way of accomplished this is by using CSS. Although there are disadvantage and advantages of doing this which we will discuss later. Nonetheless, it is one of the most easiest way of accomplished a tooltip. (although the MOST easily way is to just use a title attribute in the tag without any additional code)

The Concept

This method neglect the use of 'title' and apply 'span' tag instead. We know that span tag won't add additional break to a text (which is what we want!) and is usually used to highlight text on a particular paragraph. Therefore, span tag can be used perfectly to substitute title attribute although it cannot totally replace it. So what we do here is by placing the span tag within the anchor tag and style the span tag with a absolute position while the anchor will have relative position. This way, the span tag can have any position away from the anchor tag which provides a tooltip like position. The last missing puzzle will be using an pseudo class to perform a CSS hover on the anchor for displaying and hiding the tooltip. That's it.

The Code

The concept illustrate the basic use of this method. We can further enhance it to cater for more visual effect such as adding additional image on the tooltip.


	<a href="#"> Mouse over me to see what i have to say!
	<span class='tooltip'>
	<span class='top'></span>
	<span class='middle'>this is a testing site to demonstrate how simple a tooltip be build without affecting the efficiency of the overall site. Only pure CSS implementation is required. No additional JavaScript is needed actually. Well, unless you want to do something different like dragging your tooltip around a particular images, you may consider using a simple jQuery or JavaScript code to accomplish that.</span>
	<span class='bottom'></span>

We will have an anchor and inside the anchor we will have two things, the link message and the tooltip. The link message is 'Mouse over me to see what i have to say!' which is quite obvious and the span tag will locate next to it. Actually we only need one span tag if we are doing a simple border tooltip without images but we want to enhance overall look of the tooltip so we need a few nested span within the main span tag as shown above.


a {
a  span{ display: none; }
color: #aaaaff; 
a:hover span.tooltip{
    top:0px; left:0;
	padding: 15px 0 0 0;
	color: #993300;
    text-align: center;
	filter: alpha(opacity:70);
	KHTMLOpacity: 0.70;
	MozOpacity: 0.70;
	opacity: 0.70;
a:hover span.top{
	display: block;
	padding: 55px 8px 0;
    background: url(../images/main_image.png) no-repeat top;
a:hover span.middle{ 
	display: block;
	padding: 0 8px; 
	background: url(../images/content_image.png) repeat bottom; 
a:hover span.bottom{
	display: block;
	padding:3px 8px 40px;
    background: url(../images/main_image.png) no-repeat bottom;

I will explain the CSS code above in point form

  • 'a {...': We declare the basic of the anchor tag. eg. color, decoration, bold, position but the key is position relative as stated on the concept section
  • 'a span{...': the tooltip should be hidden at first
  • 'a:hover{...': We need to set the hover z-index and a small hack 'background:;' for ie.
  • 'a:hover span.tooltip{..': this is the tooltip and the declaration of important are 'width', 'position' and 'display'. Width is the size of the image, position is describe on the concept section and display is block because we need to make the tooltip available when hover. Others should be simple to understand
  • 'a:hover span.top{..': the top part of the image to be display
  • 'a:hover span.middle{ ..': the image part where it will be scretched
  • 'a:hover span.bottom{..': the bottom part of the image to be display

The reason why it is 'a:hover span...' for the image declaration was because we want the hover to be maintained when our mouse move on top of the tooltip instead of just having the normal 'mouseover' on the anchor tag which will make our tooltip display whenever our mouse move away from the anchor on top of the tooltip. If you just want a simple tooltip, remove the 'top', 'bottom' and 'middle' from the above declaration and give border to 'tooltip' (you may want to remove the opacity declaration for close browser) which will easily give you a simple tooltip in a few second but the visual part will be lost.

The Advantages

Here are some of the advantages of using this method,

  1. Efficient compare to JavaScript method
  2. Independent. User can turn off JavaScript and it will still work
  3. Quick and dirty. A few lines of CSS and we have our tooltip
  4. No redundency. We will be using CSS even with JavaScript
  5. Etc.

The Disadvantages

Here are some of the disadvantages,

  1. Bad for SEO. search engine spider look at title and also the use of span within an anchor is not a standard practice
  2. Required certain CSS hack for it to work at lower browser (not really a disadvantage but consider as a problem)
  3. The tooltip cannot follow the mouse wherever it goes.(image tooltip)
  4. If this method has a title on it, it will display both the tooltip and the default title altogether. Bad
  5. Etc.

The Demo

Here are the files and demo for simple cross-browser tooltip with CSS