Schedule Rsync Backup From Windows to Linux Server

Windows, WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO DIFFICULT! Gosh. Damn you are. This time. i wanted to do schedule a backup from my windows server 2012r2 to my linux backup drive. Its as simple as that (while i though it was at least). Google doesn't help with so many rubbish online. Hence, here is a guide that will help us out (me included)


Enterprise server (Windows 2012 R2)

This is a windows environment server 2012 R2 where our data is

Backup server (Debian Linux)

This is my backup server where i would like to rsync over.



On Windows server 2012 r2

  • Download cwRsync
  • Unzup cwRsync and copy to "C:\cwRsync".
  • Add "C:\cwRsync\bin" to PATH.
  • Create the directory "C:\cwRsync\home" and "C:\cwRsync\home\USER" (USER should be the name of the user who will run the Rsync in my case its "admin").
  • Create public/private keys with the following command:
  • ssh-keygen -t rsa
    • Paths with "/home/USER/" correspond to the directories that we created in "C:\cwRsync\".
    • Leave the password blank.

On Linux

  • Install openssh-server and rsync.
  • Provide data to a partition (eg.: /backup/).
  • Place the public key in /home/USER/.ssh/ and rename the file to authorized_keys. (assuming its root)

On Windows

  • Test the connection without a password with the following command:
ssh USER@BackupServerIP
  • Test Rsync:
rsync -v -rlt -z --delete "/myfiles/" "USER@BackupServerIP:/backups/"
  • where cygdrive is the directory on C:\cygdrive so the above  C:\cygdrive\myfiles
  • To Test Other port
rsync  -e "ssh -p 14000" -arv "--exclude=.svn/" /myfiles USER@BackupServerIP:/backups/
  • Create a bat file with the rsync command and place it in C:\cwRsync\bin.
  • Schedule execution every day at 0:30 (half past midnight).

Helpful Resources
