Ok, this is it, there are many times when i need to find the path to certain configuration regardless of Proxmox or LXC or KVM or OpenVZ configuration file and i always need to 'remember' where it is and if you do this daily in and out, you might have an idea, if not, this is just another digging the web task! How about recording all these down for me instead? Hence, here are all the important path for anyone who needs it when dealing with Proxmox!
=== OpenVZ Section === config: /etc/vz/conf/xxx.conf data: /var/lib/vz/root/xxx template: /var/lib/vz/template/cache snapshot: /var/lib/vz/dump OpenVZ config: /etc/vz/vz.conf === KVM Section === config: /etc/pve/qemu-server/xxx.conf data: /var/lib/vz/images/xxx template: /var/lib/vz/template/iso snapshot: /var/lib/vz/dump === LXC Section === config: /var/lib/lxc/xxx/config data: /var/lib/vz/images/xxx template: /var/lib/vz/template/cache snapshot: /var/lib/vz/dump === Cluster Section === config: /etc/pve/cluster.conf nodes vm config: /etc/pve/nodes/xxx/xxx/qemu-server/xxx.conf === Files === corosync.conf => corosync/cman cluster configuration file (previous to PVE 4.x this file was called cluster.conf) storage.cfg => PVE storage configuration user.cfg => PVE access control configuration (users/groups/...) domains.cfg => PVE Authentication domains authkey.pub => public key used by ticket system priv/shadow.cfg => shadow password file priv/authkey.key => private key used by ticket system nodes/${NAME}/pve-ssl.pem => public ssl key for web server nodes/${NAME}/priv/pve-ssl.key => private ssl key nodes/${NAME}/qemu-server/${VMID}.conf => VM configuration data for KVM VMs nodes/${NAME}/openvz/${VMID}.conf => VM configuratin data for OpenVZ containers === Symbolic links === local => nodes/${LOCALNAME} qemu-server => nodes/${LOCALNAME}/qemu-server/ openvz => nodes/${LOCALNAME}/openvz/ === Special status files for debugging (JSON) === .version => file versions (to detect file modifications) .members => Info about cluster members .vmlist => List of all VMs .clusterlog => Cluster log (last 50 entries) .rrd => RRD data (most recent entries) === Enable/Disable debugging ==== # enable verbose syslog messages echo "1" >/etc/pve/.debug # disable verbose syslog messages echo "0" >/etc/pve/.debug
more info. You are welcome.