How To Install Aide Intrusion Detection System on Ubuntu

Aide stands for Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment which is one of the most popular tools for monitoring changes to a Unix or Linux system. Here i will list out how i am going to set this baby up on some of my server to secure on system.

Updating and Installing Aide

sudo apt-get update -y

Once you have update your repo, simply install Aide using the following command

sudo apt-get install aide

And aide is installed in your machine!

Configuring and Test out Aide

Next we are going to configure this baby. Initial the database with the command below,

sudo aideinit

It will take a while and once you have initial the database, Verify that the new aide database has been created

cd /var/lib/aide
ls -lt

And you should see something like this

AIDE 0.16a2-19-g16ed855 initialized AIDE database at /var/lib/aide/
Start timestamp: 2016-05-12 10:17:20 -0400
Verbose level: 6

Number of entries:	66800

The attributes of the (uncompressed) database(s):

  RMD160   : BOdplDoXDH0ws73WkoYe11+WIhM=
  TIGER    : tJ8xmXCDo9N9e8cJZBuqQSW/yl/ArSnJ
  SHA256   : E+Pc3ae0PDDxfRV9PcZZ8Fq+NsJZBLbo
  SHA512   : WHHce2bdDPzP1NgMSr9afReWcIvGbW+p
  CRC32    : OqKLPA==
  HAVAL    : zT+SY0Ee5SuFaXb7Kjo3gU7NpnH+QIyA
  GOST     : 4cW9q/3KpRawsNsRc2HtdjGgF70fsaI5

End timestamp: 2016-05-12 10:24:58 -0400 (run time: 7m 38s)

Move the new file to the new database using the following command,

mv /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db

Now, let's test this baby out with the following command,

aide.wrapper --check

and you will get something like this

root@mongodb-pk:~# aide.wrapper --check
AIDE 0.16a2-19-g16ed855 found differences between database and filesystem!!
Start timestamp: 2016-05-12 10:29:51 -0400
Verbose level: 6

  Total number of entries:	66801
  Added entries:		1
  Removed entries:		1
  Changed entries:		3

Added entries:

f++++++++++++++++: /var/lib/aide/aide.db

Removed entries:

f----------------: /var/lib/aide/

Changed entries:

d =.... mc.. .. .: /var/lib/mongodb/
f >b... mc..C.. .: /var/lib/mongodb/
f >.... mci.C.. .: /var/lib/mongodb/

Detailed information about changes:

Directory: /var/lib/mongodb/
  Mtime    : 2016-05-12 10:24:39 -0400        | 2016-05-12 10:36:39 -0400
  Ctime    : 2016-05-12 10:24:39 -0400        | 2016-05-12 10:36:39 -0400

File: /var/lib/mongodb/
  Size     : 361980                           | 372957
  Bcount   : 720                              | 744
  Mtime    : 2016-05-12 10:22:08 -0400        | 2016-05-12 10:32:08 -0400
  Ctime    : 2016-05-12 10:22:08 -0400        | 2016-05-12 10:32:08 -0400
  RMD160   : czpo/fk+iRIEKUBjlc2+wELg/Wo=     | wEQV9cj/KyiGQmfGSLbzo9B44Gs=
  TIGER    : 2wLpFPWq3lxfxXyHpAMkVXUjDtZ08W8z | x8IbKbindr6NVwNbaUt0J5jWq9Y1cWmv
  SHA256   : lVRtuDTLDD7DYajbBEYoMSPpdrtxdJNA | 3J4B2ToLfGmBbHOQas/hKGj8HXe4zihW
             rxL5xH8A0kA=                     | 0OLKtXC4fqo=
  SHA512   : axlztAMc56xIGz7JnsOq8dAgZfCLmT83 | 49Fex6rPE24SnoOaLc+T/hIiTLEEyOmk
             gFZS6MB2zmT5aPxK4FmOSnEC9W5mtUNJ | YGeLF1W/fxZuRYk3FuwgpFlKA2qrmi2f
             AIaoa5bK736BAXwMcsA+NA==         | xNij3UG21mAiX+Tx2pRw+A==
  CRC32    : drkWXw==                         | rtCgKQ==
  HAVAL    : SR2yfai80zpN2Xw+8sUFSM/kTQBGAHsl | xIk6ByhAZN5C2eU2bTJzZ0oZcJeqsIiz
             71FSIVFT4qA=                     | AMbC0DPcNhg=
  GOST     : bE/NiblzIQRPzFx8jVymvvkEA+NO6on0 | txFhbK566EUxlQk6c36TfqgvYBttntcm
             k3XlP3vO2LA=                     | qyMIxjG3zK8=

File: /var/lib/mongodb/
  Size     : 5279                             | 5397
  Mtime    : 2016-05-12 10:24:39 -0400        | 2016-05-12 10:36:39 -0400
  Ctime    : 2016-05-12 10:24:39 -0400        | 2016-05-12 10:36:39 -0400
  Inode    : 1180042                          | 1179903
  RMD160   : Uch+G7OlOobiM/VjjdNHYSdCZUY=     | OnSReGX+lqQuCQURBBxkfHC9U5o=
  TIGER    : bB0QmZYYNl2SKSfz4MlNrpwYKwCS3Evf | ktNDR+97gTAK7catLGoOhEFJu6IfQZwi
  SHA256   : h0s1leYNb7/RxTi86z+nHhe7DChFJtSo | KIlG5ePVgwG/+DopSTPHo6VqnGzdnQMj
             TUZXyOwKKYw=                     | m97NR3Gifhk=
  SHA512   : 8PrN5C6RJgYHIuM7DjL3vjx9/5fRbnsr | QLXQngP8ouoc8bvs580De+Vh7bGR0Lq8
             MDpk+PcTAxLV3AUbkWP9Xq0hTzro7mlM | +2tXCfVed02e1DVRgxeG3LbKxqhofP76
             nT96+O95DnPZRmuD5OAPZA==         | 6Mz99D/w7u9eabdbsYmmOw==
  CRC32    : sTX43A==                         | Ta6Udw==
  HAVAL    : ZDpLBirCqbUqz/jym+FFjv2IvY9T4k+g | qTpVXVypYnzMGQZF4SMw7Wjg/jKkptpw
             hhcWR0kK/ZE=                     | PEqS+lI8g84=
  GOST     : 7yJZnGdeAM8slovcFTD0Ftcec5KT8weQ | gVW46Bk3upRekyxDI5sPP6N1xk7b6gX5
             yPYlQqSMkf4=                     | CJTybT2VVKQ=

The attributes of the (uncompressed) database(s):

  RMD160   : BOdplDoXDH0ws73WkoYe11+WIhM=
  TIGER    : tJ8xmXCDo9N9e8cJZBuqQSW/yl/ArSnJ
  SHA256   : E+Pc3ae0PDDxfRV9PcZZ8Fq+NsJZBLbo
  SHA512   : WHHce2bdDPzP1NgMSr9afReWcIvGbW+p
  CRC32    : OqKLPA==
  HAVAL    : zT+SY0Ee5SuFaXb7Kjo3gU7NpnH+QIyA
  GOST     : 4cW9q/3KpRawsNsRc2HtdjGgF70fsaI5

End timestamp: 2016-05-12 10:37:13 -0400 (run time: 7m 22s)

see the file that we just added and updated? Yeah, that's the one that its reporting.

Crontab Aide

Now we dont want to do this every single day manually, so let's setup a crontab.


with the following code

#! /bin/sh
MYDATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
/bin/echo "Aide check !! `date`" > /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/usr/bin/aide.wrapper --check > /tmp/myAide.txt
/bin/cat /tmp/myAide.txt|/bin/grep -v failed >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/bin/echo "**************************************" >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/usr/bin/tail -20 /tmp/myAide.txt >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/bin/echo "****************DONE******************" >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/usr/bin/mail -s"$MYFILENAME `date`" [email protected] < /tmp/$MYFILENAME

now make it executable

chmod +x

open up crontab

crontab -e

add the following crontab into it

06 01 * * 0-6 /root/

And we are good to go! Simple as that!