Clay Lua
Welcome to my technical blog! I am Clay who has been managing this blog since 2009. I am the main writer of this blog and this blog has been constantly serve as a notebook for myself while sharing my knowledge with the public. I am a believer of giving back to the community which has provided all these information that makes me who I am today. Doing this helps many others solve their problems without spending too much time figuring out the difficult part that i went through, saving your ass without knowing it and giving back to the community rather than a sucker that only take without giving. Making the world a little better. If you have any problems or just want to say Thanks, do keep in contact.
Services that i provide
- Web Hosting Services
- System Development
- Infrastructure Maintenance
- Mobile Development
- Server Architecture
- Software Architecture
- Security Penetration / Hacking
hi Clay. i accidentally stumbled to your site via Google. and it's cool. keep writing bro
Hey Clay, just wanted to drop a line and say thank you for the Hungred Image Fit plugin. It's super useful, and great for the times when I'm switching between themes!
Hi. nice blog man. keep going forward. but I see some gaps that if could be filled it will grow much faster. I'm searching for a particular subject but there's no search box. 😉
you're doing great. thanks and good luck